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Log namePositionEvent typeServer IDOriginal positionInformation
mysql-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 2 249
Server ver: 10.1.37-MariaDB, Binlog ver: 4
mysql-bin.000001 249 Gtid_list 2 274
mysql-bin.000001 274 Binlog_checkpoint 2 313
mysql-bin.000001 313 Gtid 2 351
mysql-bin.000001 351 Query 2 586
UPDATE `phpmyadmin`.`pma__userconfig` SET `timevalue` = NOW(), `config_data` = '{\"Console\\/Mode\":\"collapse\",\"NavigationWidth\":242}' WHERE `username` = 'root'
mysql-bin.000001 586 Xid 2 613
COMMIT /* xid=109 */
mysql-bin.000001 613 Gtid 2 651
GTID 0-2-2
mysql-bin.000001 651 Query 2 821
CREATE DATABASE `pu_recruitment_nt_2022` DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
mysql-bin.000001 821 Gtid 2 859
GTID 0-2-3
mysql-bin.000001 859 Query 2 1420
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; --
-- Database: `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `ci_sessions`

CREATE TABLE `ci_sessions` (
  `id` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `ip_address` varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `timestamp` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `user_agent` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
  `last_activity` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `data` text NOT NULL
mysql-bin.000001 1420 Gtid 2 1458
GTID 0-2-4
mysql-bin.000001 1458 Query 2 2013
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; -- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `departments`

CREATE TABLE `departments` (
  `id` int(2) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `school_id` int(2) NOT NULL,
  `hod` int(2) NOT NULL,
  `date_modified` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp(),
  `office_intercom` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `hod_intercom` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL
mysql-bin.000001 2013 Gtid 2 2051
GTID 0-2-5
mysql-bin.000001 2051 Query 2 2998
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; -- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `education_details`

CREATE TABLE `education_details` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `education` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `education_type` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `education_level` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `study_mode` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `subject` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  `education_board` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date_completion` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `marks` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
  `percentage` float DEFAULT NULL,
  `class` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `title` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date_submission` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
  `upload` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp()
mysql-bin.000001 2998 Gtid 2 3036
mysql-bin.000001 3036 Query 2 53455
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; --
-- Dumping data for table `education_details`

INSERT INTO `education_details` (`id`, `user_id`, `education`, `education_type`, `education_level`, `study_mode`, `subject`, `education_board`, `date_completion`, `marks`, `percentage`, `class`, `title`, `date_submission`, `upload`, `date_modified`) VALUES
(2336, 103, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'KERALA STATE BOARD', 'March-2013', '93', 93, 'FIRST CLASS', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2336.pdf', '2022-09-23 12:18:48'),
(2337, 103, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'KERALA HIGHER SECONDARY BOARD ', 'May-2015', '90.08', 90.08, 'FIRST', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2337.pdf', '2022-09-23 12:19:43'),
(2338, 103, 'BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY ', 'UG', 'College', 'Full-Time', 'MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ', 'MES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING KUTTIPPURAM, KERALA', 'August-2019', NULL, 70.95, 'FIRST', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/College/Co[...]
mysql-bin.000001 53455 Query 2 103951
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; INSERT INTO `education_details` (`id`, `user_id`, `education`, `education_type`, `education_level`, `study_mode`, `subject`, `education_board`, `date_completion`, `marks`, `percentage`, `class`, `title`, `date_submission`, `upload`, `date_modified`) VALUES
(2592, 222, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'State board of Tamilnadu ', 'March 2003', '370', 74, 'First', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2592.pdf', '2022-09-23 18:22:59'),
(2593, 304, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'TAMILNADU STATE BOARD', 'March-2011', '442', 88.4, 'FIRST CLASS', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2593.pdf', '2022-09-23 18:47:35'),
(2594, 310, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'Marticulation', 'March-2010', '285', 57, 'Second', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2594.pdf', '2022-09-23 18:47:02'),
(2595, 310, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'State Boar[...]
mysql-bin.000001 103951 Query 2 154323
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; INSERT INTO `education_details` (`id`, `user_id`, `education`, `education_type`, `education_level`, `study_mode`, `subject`, `education_board`, `date_completion`, `marks`, `percentage`, `class`, `title`, `date_submission`, `upload`, `date_modified`) VALUES
(2844, 443, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'STATE BOARD OF TAMILNADU', 'May-2009', '469', 93.5, 'DISTINTION', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2844.pdf', '2022-09-24 11:25:58'),
(2845, 508, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'TAMILNADU STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION', 'March-2012', '718', 59.8, 'II', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2845.pdf', '2022-09-24 11:17:21'),
(2846, 443, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'STATE BOARD OF TAMILNADU', 'May-2009', '872', 72.67, 'FIRST CLASS', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_2846.pdf', '2022-09-24 11:26:17'),
(2847, 502, 'Master of Business administration',[...]
mysql-bin.000001 154323 Query 2 204807
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; INSERT INTO `education_details` (`id`, `user_id`, `education`, `education_type`, `education_level`, `study_mode`, `subject`, `education_board`, `date_completion`, `marks`, `percentage`, `class`, `title`, `date_submission`, `upload`, `date_modified`) VALUES
(3106, 619, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'State Board of Tamilnadu', 'March-2013', '256', 51.2, 'II', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_3106.pdf', '2022-09-24 17:17:20'),
(3107, 633, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'Matric ', 'April-2012', '900', 75, 'First class ', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_3107.pdf', '2022-09-24 17:17:48'),
(3108, 390, 'BE', 'UG', 'College', 'Full-Time', 'Electrical & electronics', 'Karnatak University', 'November-2000', NULL, 82.9, 'distinction', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/College/College_3108.pdf', '2022-09-24 17:23:34'),
(3109, 633, 'BE', 'UG', 'College', 'Full-Time', 'Mechanical engineer ',[...]
mysql-bin.000001 204807 Query 2 255323
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; INSERT INTO `education_details` (`id`, `user_id`, `education`, `education_type`, `education_level`, `study_mode`, `subject`, `education_board`, `date_completion`, `marks`, `percentage`, `class`, `title`, `date_submission`, `upload`, `date_modified`) VALUES
(3363, 776, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'TAMIL NADU STATE BOARD', 'March-2014', '1014', 84.5, 'DISTINCTION', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_3363.pdf', '2022-09-25 09:54:31'),
(3364, 776, 'B.Sc ', 'UG', 'College', 'Full-Time', 'NURSING', 'JIPMER', 'June-2018', NULL, 67.58, 'FIRST CLASS', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/College/College_3364.pdf', '2022-09-25 09:55:58'),
(3365, 576, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'STATE BOARD', 'March-2006', '338', 67.6, 'First Class', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_3365.pdf', '2022-09-25 10:44:57'),
(3366, 777, 'M.Sc.', 'PG', 'College', 'Full-Time', 'Biochemistry ', 'Bharathi Women\'s C[...]
mysql-bin.000001 255323 Query 2 305865
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; INSERT INTO `education_details` (`id`, `user_id`, `education`, `education_type`, `education_level`, `study_mode`, `subject`, `education_board`, `date_completion`, `marks`, `percentage`, `class`, `title`, `date_submission`, `upload`, `date_modified`) VALUES
(3620, 364, 'Diploma (Others)', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'SRI MEENAKSHI GOVT ARTS COLLEGE FOR WOMEN , MADURAI KAMARAJ UNIVERSITY', 'June-2016', '180', 60, 'FIRST CLASS', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_3620.pdf', '2022-09-25 17:33:57'),
(3621, 898, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'TAMIL NADU STATE BOARD', 'May-2008', '432', 86.4, 'FIRST CLASS', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_3621.pdf', '2022-09-25 17:45:12'),
(3622, 624, 'SSLC / Matric or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'State board of school examination, tamilnadu', 'Mar 2008', '363', 72, '1 class', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2022-09-25 17:39:50'),
(3623, 896, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL,[...]
mysql-bin.000001 305865 Query 2 321120
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; INSERT INTO `education_details` (`id`, `user_id`, `education`, `education_type`, `education_level`, `study_mode`, `subject`, `education_board`, `date_completion`, `marks`, `percentage`, `class`, `title`, `date_submission`, `upload`, `date_modified`) VALUES
(3877, 1027, 'PCU / HSC or Equivalent', NULL, 'School', NULL, NULL, 'state board', 'June-2004', '882', 74, '1', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/School/School_3877.pdf', '2022-09-26 10:21:15'),
(3878, 1027, 'BSC', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'STELLA MARIS', 'June-2007', NULL, 66, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2022-09-26 10:12:46'),
(3879, 1027, 'BSC', 'UG', 'College', 'Full-Time', 'MATHEMATICS', 'MADRAS UNIVERSITY', 'June-2007', NULL, 65, '1', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/College/College_3879.pdf', '2022-09-26 10:15:28'),
(3880, 1027, 'MCA', 'PG', 'College', 'Full-Time', 'COMPUTER APPLICATIONS', 'ANNA UNIVERSITY', 'June-2010', NULL, 75, '1', NULL, NULL, './uploads/applicant/College/College_3880.pdf', '2022-09-26[...]
mysql-bin.000001 321120 Xid 2 321147
COMMIT /* xid=257 */
mysql-bin.000001 321147 Gtid 2 321185
GTID 0-2-7
mysql-bin.000001 321185 Query 2 322151
use `pu_recruitment_nt_2022`; -- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `experience_details`

CREATE TABLE `experience_details` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `experience_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `institute` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
  `designation` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `service_from` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `service_till` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `service_period` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `service_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `employment_type` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pay_scale` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
  `grade` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
  `responsibility` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
  `remarks` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
  `upload` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
  `data_modified` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp()
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'pma'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.